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Must Do Activities

The Best of Souq Shopping in Dubai

Dubai Souq
Credit: Flickr / McKay Savage / CC BY 2.0

Lively, colourful and a place of frenetic activity, Dubai's souqs are something of a contrast to the sleek, sparkling, scrupulously clean shopping malls. The souqs are nothing reminiscent of the spaciousness and originality of the 18th-century traditional bazaars, but they are still full of character and one of the best for good-natured bargaining. If you want to impress at the artful skill of bargaining, make sure to start at half of what the shop owner has quoted and paid around 75 % of the originally quoted price. However, modern souqs such as Souq Al-Bahar are less likely to fall for your bargaining tactics due to the huge overheads.

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